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Author Bad Products Awards

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Posted on November 19 2007 20:08:29
In regards to Dasani, I used to laugh at tourists in Banff who would drink those expansive bottles when the town's tap water is actually coming from a source in the surrounding glaciers...

Global consumer movement announces winners of International Bad Products Awards

CI Press Release - Congress 2007

The world federation of consumer organisations, Consumers International (CI) today announced the winners of the International Bad Product Awards, to be presented at CI?’s World Congress in Sydney, Australia, 29 Oct ?– 1 November 2007.

The awards aim to highlight failings of corporate responsibility and the abuse of consumer trust by internationally recognised brands. The announcement comes as 400 delegates from national consumer organisations and governments, convene in Sydney to attend CI?’s World Congress.

This year?’s winners* are:

Coca-Cola ?– for continuing the international marketing of its bottled water, Dasani, despite admitting it comes from the same sources as local tap water.

Kellogg?’s ?– for the worldwide use of cartoon-type characters and product tie-ins aimed at children, despite high levels of sugar and salt in their food products.

Mattel ?– for stonewalling US congressional investigations and avoiding overall responsibility for the global recall of 21 million products.

With the overall prize going to:

Takeda Pharmaceuticals ?– for taking advantage of poor US regulation and advertising sleeping pills to children, despite health warnings about pediatric use.

Richard Lloyd, Director General of Consumers International, said:

"These multi-billion dollar companies are global brands with a responsibility to be honest, accountable and responsible. In highlighting their short-comings Consumers International and its 220 member organisations are holding corporations to account and demanding businesses take social responsibility seriously."
Download the CI press briefing

*Full details of each nomination can be found in the accompanying CI Press briefing, which can be downloaded here.

This post was "obviously" written "under the influence":


Edited by Tupperfan on November 19 2007 20:18:34
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Author RE: Bad Products Awards

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Posts: 61
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Posted on November 26 2007 00:51:26
Hilarious stuff. Maybe potable water is another service local governments should hand off to private industry. I mean, it's not like we're paying taxes to support an infrastructure, or anything.
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Author RE: Bad Products Awards
Chronic Harlot

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Posted on January 01 2025 08:30:44
HD/Blue Ray DVD players.

The autumn days swung soft around me, like cotton on my
skin. But as the embers of the summer lost their breath
and disappeared, my heart went cold, and only hollow
rhythms resounded from within.

Edited by Chronic Harlot on January 01 2025 08:31:20
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Author RE: Bad Products Awards

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Posted on January 02 2025 02:00:31
I don't think Dasani ever advertised itself as being some super-pure water but I could be wrong. I buy it when I travel tho - the routine is always to grab a bottle of water before getting on the plane.

Kellogg's - anyone remember when the cereal names were more acurate: "Sugar Corn Pops" instead of "Corn Pops", "Sugar Smacks" instead of "Smacks"

Takeda - Ok - I work in the drug industry and even I think these guys are shady. Its not the first spot of trouble they've been in either. They seem to get nailed for some unethical stuff on a fairly regular basis.

What's wrong with the HD/Blu Ray DVD players?

> Knowledge is power...power corrupts...study hard...be evil <

SpiritOne wrote:
This country is full of rednecks, retards and baptists.

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Author RE: Bad Products Awards

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Posted on January 02 2025 21:05:47
Get another brand of water, it's not like they were the first.

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02/06/2025 12:22:13
I wish I could say the same for NJ and NY. There will be sadness at the office today.

Sam Cogley
02/06/2025 07:26:32
woo-hoo...my vote counted for something. Obama got Missouri.

02/06/2025 03:34:14
It's not built yet...Krossroads will be built by the Tellarites in more than a century...

02/06/2025 03:25:44
Jer... where did Krossroads station go?

02/06/2025 00:31:18
Hey, where's Sybok?

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