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Star Trek (Reborn) | | The 13th Colony - Moore's Galactica
Author This has happened before it will happen again

Posts: 216
Location: Tyler TX
Joined: 18.07.06
Posted on December 05 2007 22:41:04
I think I just had an epiphany, so I better write it down before I forget it.

In the beginning, the humans lived on Kobol with the Gods, but something happened, and they left. They founded the 12 colonies became prosperous, and the build the Cylons. They Cylons rebelled and fought back against the humans and went out into space where, according to them, they found god, singular, 1 god. They wanted to look more like god, so they experimented with humans (who apparently look like god) and thus are born they human form Cylons.

Cylons come back, try to kill the humans almost wipe them out send them running.

At one point during this running, the humans live on a planet with the Cylons. Something happened and now they left.

Do you think its possible that the humans who formed the 12 colonies lived on Kobol with the final 5 Cylons and that they were Gods? Something happened, the humans left, founded the colonies.

Baltar is being treated rather like a deity at this point, its possible to assume that he divides the fleet, some go with Roslin and Adama and head for Earth and become the "new" lost colony and Baltar takes the rest and creates a new set of colonies and worships who knows what.

It would complete the cycle so to speak. It would make sense as to why the last 13th colony left a device that hurt they cylons, they didn't want the Cylons to find them or the Cylon worshiping humans.

The question still remains though, when they reach Earth, what will they find? A fleet a ships dedicated to the destruction of the Cylons or a bunch of people who don't have a damn clue who they are?

Sorry about the incoherentness I lost the thought as I was writing, I think I got most of it.

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Author RE: This has happened before it will happen again
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Posted on December 06 2007 03:33:13
SpiritOne wrote:
I think I just had an epiphany

Careful with those epiphanies, Eugene. smiley

THAT is the Exploration that awaits you: not mapping stars or studying nebulae, but charting the unknown possibilities of Existence.
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Author RE: This has happened before it will happen again

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Joined: 18.07.06
Posted on December 07 2007 01:49:20
gee spirit, I think your idea is interesting and would like to spark a raucous debate about it.

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Author RE: This has happened before it will happen again

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Posted on December 07 2007 01:51:13
really thats cool, Im glad you like it Spirit, exactly what about it makes you think I might be on to something?

Do you think the final 5 will have a tie in to the Gods? Could that explain Tyrol's being drawn to the eye?

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Author RE: This has happened before it will happen again

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Posted on December 07 2007 01:52:30
Im not sure, but I like the idea that sometime in the 4th season the fleet splits again with the "believers" following Gauis Baltar and founding a new 12 colonies and the remaining becoming "lost" yet again.

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Author RE: This has happened before it will happen again

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Posted on December 07 2007 03:02:31
Nice replies Spirit! Almost feel bad to intervene in that monothread!smiley

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Author RE: This has happened before it will happen again
Chronic Harlot

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Posted on December 19 2007 10:47:37
I think it's worth noting that immediately before the First Hybrid was destroyed, it was wondering about it's next incarnation...and then Hera, a true hybrid, was born in the very next chronological episode 'Downloaded'. If we look upon the First Hybrid as the 'Metatron' (the voice of god) that was then reborn in Hera...well, her importance suddenly becomes very clear.

The autumn days swung soft around me, like cotton on my
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Author RE: This has happened before it will happen again

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Posted on February 07 2025 21:37:25
I think you're crazy and that BSG will find a 1980's earth, then trade in their vipers for flying motorcycles because they're chic. Then "The Regan" will unveil his Star Wars orbital platform and destroy the cylons leaving everyone happily ever after. smiley
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Author RE: This has happened before it will happen again
Chronic Harlot

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Posted on February 07 2025 22:39:34

The autumn days swung soft around me, like cotton on my
skin. But as the embers of the summer lost their breath
and disappeared, my heart went cold, and only hollow
rhythms resounded from within.

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Author RE: This has happened before it will happen again

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Posted on February 08 2025 03:37:44
Very interesting point Jer!

Hmm...Is it possible that this has happened before and that it might happen again?

Is it?


Edited by Tupperfan on February 08 2025 03:39:15
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Author RE: This has happened before it will happen again

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Posted on February 08 2025 04:30:54
the best answer I've ever heard is that we're watching two sets of machines. Whatever they may be trying is the real question.

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04/08/2025 15:42:31
Call it crappy, but I'm digging it!

Chronic Harlot
04/08/2025 08:16:00
Radiohead - "Climbing up the Walls".

Chronic Harlot
04/08/2025 08:15:37
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Chronic Harlot
04/08/2025 07:54:21
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Chronic Harlot
04/07/2025 17:56:16
It's amazing how something so small can create such a big and expensive mess.

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