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Author Funny as the Vader Sessions
Chronic Harlot

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Posted on December 14 2007 02:51:05
Johnny 5 is an obnoxious, sarcastic, belligerent, foul-mouthed dick. There's three or four of these. Check 'em out. Funny as hell.

This, in particular, deserves some kind of award:

"Check out all this cool shit I got! My robotic eyelashes dance around like a gay ballerina! This fucking tool-box has an umbrella in it. Why? Who the fuck cares! I got preachy-assed stickers and a copyrighted logo on my treads! I got a multi-frequency thingamufucker that makes electronics dance to the Pokemon theme!"

Somebody needs to change their handle to 'thingamufucker'.

The autumn days swung soft around me, like cotton on my
skin. But as the embers of the summer lost their breath
and disappeared, my heart went cold, and only hollow
rhythms resounded from within.

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Author RE: Funny as the Vader Sessions
Captain Jack

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Posted on December 14 2007 20:55:10
Holy fuck I almost pissed myself...smiley

Watched all 5 episodes...
Heh. "thingamafucker". Damn!

Yes we can to justice and equality.
Yes we can to opportunity and prosperity.
Yes we can heal this nation.
Yes we can repair this world.
Yes we can.

Edited by Captain Jack on December 14 2007 21:26:04
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Author RE: Funny as the Vader Sessions

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Posted on December 14 2007 21:53:04
How man, that was hilarious and very well done!

This post was "obviously" written "under the influence":

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Author RE: Funny as the Vader Sessions
Captain Jack

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Posts: 672
Location: Northern Virginia
Joined: 03.06.06
Posted on December 19 2007 16:47:40
Charlie Brown Christmas - Performed by the Cast of Scrubs

It's a re- post, but in the spirit of the silly season, thought I'd put it back up here:


Yes we can to justice and equality.
Yes we can to opportunity and prosperity.
Yes we can heal this nation.
Yes we can repair this world.
Yes we can.
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02/29/2025 04:52:54
Nevada eh? Good luck!

Sam Cogley
02/29/2025 04:35:35
Well, in two months I'll know if I'm licensed in Nevada or not...

Captain Jack
02/28/2025 19:14:31
Yes, Angel too. I dunno yet. I have a lOT of stuff I need to do first...

Chronic Harlot
02/28/2025 18:18:03
We've got until April, though, of course. smiley

Chronic Harlot
02/28/2025 18:17:43
Oh...and are you getting the DVD-recorder? If so, I can send off the ten recordable DVDs with their pre-stamped return envelopes.

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