The Human Adventure Begins Again...
More than a generation ago, Star Trek was a unique idea that captivated the hearts and minds of millions of people. This idea showed a possible universe where Humanity had not only reached the stars, but also had discovered the strengths of embracing the new ideas and different perspectives that came from other species.
It also explored what it meant to be Human. It thrust characters into extraordinary situations and challenged them to learn and grow into something better than they were. The characters made mistakes, but they strived to learn from them. And they became heroes, role models, and inspirations to millions of people worldwide.
Fanning the Flames
The Original Series (TOS as it is referred to in Trek circles) only had three television seasons. It was nearly only two, except a grassroots letter writing campaign by fans convinced the network to bring Star Trek back for a third season. So how did Star Trek become a global phenomenon? Dedicated fans. Industrious fans organized conventions and wrote books, and loyal fans supported them. TOS became more popular in syndication than it was in Prime Time. And fans continued to multiply, demanding the return of Star Trek. And return it did, with a vengeance: five television series, eleven motion pictures, countless novels, and a worldwide fan base of millions.
Whither Star Trek?
This year marks the fortieth anniversary of the debut of The Original Series. It will also be the first year with no new Star Trek on television or in the theater since 1979.
With no new Star Trek on the horizon, many fans have begun to re-examine TOS and what it means to them. And they?ve discovered that they want more; more of the unique challenges, more of the opportunities for growth, and more of the compelling stories that created a worldwide phenomenon. Many realized that while the science in Science Fiction is interesting, it really only provides another medium for telling good stories. And TOS told excellent stories, without excessive ?technobabble?.
The Human Adventure Begins Again
One particular fan, Jeremy Grunloh, acted on this desire to see more Star Trek, and set out to craft a new vision of The Original Series. His goals were simple, and lofty:
- Illustrate people doing the best that they can in extraordinary situations; characters that have flaws, that grapple with their demons, trying to grow through it all
- Approach the material as an occupational-drama first and genre piece second
- Tell compelling stories
- Use the ?future technology? to facilitate the stories, not be the stories
Sound familiar? They should, since they?re essentially the same goals that defined TOS- and that?s the point. The original Star Trek set the standard by which all subsequent science fiction would be judged, including its own later incarnations. This new Star Trek meets these goals faithfully and sincerely, because it?s about people, not space ships. It?s about stories, not technology. It?s about showing how Humans can realize a better future, and prove that we are worthy of membership in an interstellar community.
Not Your Father?s Star Trek
This new Star Trek lives in a universe similar to, but different from, the one in The Original Series. This new vision features the iconic characters that everyone knows, but they are different in a way that lets us get to know them all over again. Some may feel that this new Trek is ?darker? than TOS. Some may think it is less friendly to general audiences, while still others may believe that this new Trek is just different. And they?re all right. It is a different. But it is Star Trek, from stem to stern.
Star Trek Lives
Perhaps most importantly, this new vision manages to capture the soul of Star Trek. It takes to heart the best of what makes Star Trek so compelling, and showcases it for all to see and feel. The result is what many Star Trek fans feel to be the best new Star Trek in years. It is faithful to The Original Series, but it takes it in a different direction. Different is good.
The Human Adventure begins again. Come explore this new universe with us, and fall in love with Star Trek all over again.
Written by Dale West (Public Relations Director)